… of a world in which billions (if not trillions) of smart electronic software-driven devices improve our comfort, health, safety, and general well-being. Today we talk about the “Internet of Things”, but the vision has been around for as long we have been in business (which is decades). Whether it is called “Ambient Intelligence”, “Ubiquitous Computing”, “Cyber Physical Systems”, or even simpler “Smart Systems” or “Intelligent Systems”, the vision remains the same, and we keep working on making it come true with our service offering.
Dekimo Experts help their customers to bring this vision closer to reality. From our bread and butter consultancy in embedded software and electronics, over application software interfacing humans and machines on mobile (web) devices, all the way to secure solutions in the smart data cloud, our experts can contribute to each step along the way. They can help you architect and develop the solutions, test-engineer them, and watch over their quality. No matter what the underlying technology or programming language needs to be, we can always offer you the capacity and skills for your specific requirement.